WordPress - 7.2.1 - Version code: 401
Android device name: Samsung Galaxy S4
01 - [May-15 17:34 UTILS] WordPress.onCreate
02 - [May-15 17:34 PEOPLE] resetting people table
03 - [May-15 17:34 STATS] New anonID generated in AnalyticsTrackerMixpanel: 854ad10fa8ef4f14b34f8706feea6cfb
04 - [May-15 17:34 STATS] New anonID generated in AnalyticsTrackerNosara: 83bb6ded23b34260ba85a16a62ce0b20
05 - [May-15 17:34 UTILS] App comes from background
06 - [May-15 17:34 UTILS] ConnectionChangeReceiver.setEnabled true
07 - [May-15 17:34 UTILS] Connection status changed, isConnected=true
08 - [May-15 17:34 UTILS] Deferred Initialisation
09 - [May-15 17:34 UTILS] trackLastActivity, activityId: My Site
10 - [May-15 17:34 PROFILING] App Startup: begin
11 - [May-15 17:34 PROFILING] App Startup: 1000 ms, WPLaunchActivity.onCreate
12 - [May-15 17:34 PROFILING] App Startup: 74 ms, WPMainActivity.onCreate
13 - [May-15 17:34 PROFILING] App Startup: 510 ms, WPMainActivity.onResume
14 - [May-15 17:34 PROFILING] App Startup: end, 1584 ms
15 - [May-15 17:34 STATS] Number of old stats deleted : 0
16 - [May-15 17:34 UTILS] trackLastActivity, activityId: Login Screen
17 - [May-15 17:34 NUX] Google API client connected
18 - [May-15 17:34 NOTIFS] Sending GCM token to our remote services: d9ut6nKLGc8:APA91bFkqcZy1cCy_aVR9y0kkZvGC0GMbtKeFtVBxFFSQBhwx1X5zbVWvcaUTJkqDjwVSM-buXDQPze1_Vm5Mlx8Og6ZQl5-EPa4Oyd5TlcPE9XR4Mxe_Q2M6035ySJPGfQUaohFtAXh
19 - [May-15 17:34 NUX] User tries to sign in on WordPress.com with username: fryjefsikla
20 - [May-15 17:34 API] Dispatching action: AuthenticationAction-AUTHENTICATE
21 - [May-15 17:34 API] Authentication error
22 - [May-15 17:34 API] onAuthenticationChanged has error: GENERIC_ERROR - null
23 - [May-15 17:34 NUX] Server response: null
24 - [May-15 17:35 NUX] User tries to sign in on WordPress.com with username: fryjefsikla
25 - [May-15 17:35 API] Dispatching action: AuthenticationAction-AUTHENTICATE
26 - [May-15 17:35 API] Authentication error
27 - [May-15 17:35 API] onAuthenticationChanged has error: GENERIC_ERROR - null
28 - [May-15 17:35 NUX] Server response: null
29 - [May-15 17:36 NUX] Google API client connected
30 - [May-15 17:36 NUX] User tries to sign in on WordPress.com with username: fryjefsikla
31 - [May-15 17:36 API] Dispatching action: AuthenticationAction-AUTHENTICATE
32 - [May-15 17:36 API] Authentication error
33 - [May-15 17:36 API] onAuthenticationChanged has error: GENERIC_ERROR - null
34 - [May-15 17:36 NUX] Server response: null
35 - [May-15 17:36 NUX] User tries to sign in on WordPress.com with username: fryjefsikla.wordpress.com
36 - [May-15 17:36 API] Dispatching action: AuthenticationAction-AUTHENTICATE
37 - [May-15 17:37 API] Authentication error
38 - [May-15 17:37 API] onAuthenticationChanged has error: GENERIC_ERROR - null
39 - [May-15 17:37 NUX] Server response: null
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